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Effective Rate Impact on 340B Claims

Maximize the financial & operational benefits of participating in a 340B Drug Pricing program

1 hVideo Conference

Service Description

Have your 340B claims analyzed. Determine if disputing your claims helps or hurts your pharmacy. maximizing the financial and operational benefits of participating in the program while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements. • Optimize Reimbursement: Determine if the reimbursement rates received for 340B drugs are appropriate and aligned with program requirements. Compare rates received from payers vs. actual acquisition costs of drugs purchased under the 340B program. • Identify Discrepancies: Identify any discrepancies or underpayments in reimbursement rates for 340B claims. • Compliance Verification: Ensure compliance with 340B program rules and regulations regarding pricing, eligibility, and reporting requirements. • Financial Impact Assessment: Assess the financial impact of participating in the 340B program on the pharmacy's overall revenue and profitability. • Strategic Decision Making: Provide data-driven insights for strategic decision-making related to inventory management, patient eligibility verification, and participation in the 340B program. Program: • Book your 1/2-hour complimentary consultation to determine what data needs to be collected for analysis. • ICBN will confirm your requested 1x one hour analysis discovery & review meeting date. Date may vary. • For 4+ stores, please Request a Quote for pricing. • Non Disclosure Agreement available.

Cancellation Policy

• Appointments may be rescheduled up to one hour in advance of the meeting.

Contact Details


6013 Wesley Grove Blvd, Wesley Chapel, FL, USA

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